Cloud Computing Deployment Models

Cloud Computing Deployment Models, An Overview.

In the last blog, we discussed various service models in the cloud; however, before using the services in the cloud, you’ll need to opt for how the various cloud services are given to you, based on the organization’s requirement. 

In our last blog, we saw what the three different cloud service models were. Now, let us take a look at the four deployment models that are generally used.

So What Is A Cloud Deployment Model?

When you choose a cloud service model and a CSP, you’ll also need to choose how you are going to get these services from the cloud. This largely is based on the requirement of your organization. The various available models are:

  1. Public Cloud
  2. Private Cloud
  3. Hybrid Cloud
  4. MultiCloud

Public Cloud

This model is fairly straightforward. In the simplest of terms, a third party provides IT services for your company over the internet. If you think this is similar to what cloud computing generally is, then you are right. When we say cloud computing, we generally mean this deployment model. The service is hosted publicly and customers can access it by means of creating an account with them.

Public Cloud follows a Multi-tenant model, where many organizations share the same infrastructure. Many providers do offer dedicated hardware in the Public Cloud model, but that comes with its own expense.

As we said earlier, this model shares all the general advantages of the cloud. Read more about these advantages here. 

Private Cloud

The on-premises cloud or Private Cloud can be seen as a few cloud features being added to legacy IT a legacy IT data centre setup. 

In this deployment model, organizations keep their own infrastructure and application in their own data centre. Sounds no different from a legacy IT solution doesn’t it? Well, the difference is that it becomes a Private Cloud if the stack is designed properly. That is, the service is delivered to users through a virtualization platform with orchestration and self-service software. Access is limited, which means only a select number of people with authorization can have access to the Private Cloud.

As you might have already noticed, the Private Cloud requires organizations to have a physical data centre. This can be on-premises or in a shared location as well. Private Cloud deployment is a single-tenant model where there is a dedicated platform. This can easily be made into a multi-tenant platform if so desired, by sharing the platform with various internal departments.

Unfortunately, the Private Cloud does not share the sought-out cloud feature of only paying for what resources you utilize. Even if you use only half the stack, you still pay for and maintain the entire thing.

While it doesn’t provide the conventional benefits of having a cloud service, it is sought out by several firms for these features:

  • Complete control of the resources.
  • Security – Helpful for organisations that work with classified or sensitive data.
  • Able to provide dedicated resources.

If you are going for this model, do note that trying to replicate Public Cloud features into a Private Cloud comes with complications and expenses.

Hybrid Cloud

As your organization grows, its needs grow with it as well. The Hybrid Cloud model uses both the features of the Public Cloud and Private Cloud. This is mostly preferred by huge organizations as a single model may not be the answer to all their workload requirements.

The Hybrid Cloud deployment model is favourable for ‘cloud bursting’ as well. Cloud bursting is when an organization with a Private Cloud system chooses to run extra servers in a Public Cloud for a short period of time when they face heavy workloads.

This model works perfectly with organizations that may deal with sensitive data that need to be maintained on-premises for compliance reasons but wishes to set up other services in multi-tenant Public Clouds to be more flexible and be more accessible for its customers.

Let us reiterate the advantages of the Hybrid Cloud.

  • Allows companies to keep sensitive data in an on-site Private Cloud.
  • Enables taking advantage of various resources unique only to either Public or Private clouds.
  • Provides more choices for deployment models and facilitates easy data portability. 


The MultiCloud differs from the Hybrid Cloud in one aspect. While Hybrid Cloud is a mixture of both the Public and the Private Cloud models, MultiCloud uses either of the two. That is, it uses multiple Private Clouds or multiple Public Clouds from different service providers.

Many organizations prefer this due to the following factors:

  • You don’t have to rely on a single vendor for all your cloud needs.
  • Cost-effective.
  • More versatile and allows more options.
  • Adherence to local policies that require certain data to be stored within a particular area/country. 

Concerned about Security?

Confused about which model to go to for your organisation?

Doubtful about how to keep your environment secure after deployment?

Whether your needs are on-premises or the cloud, SecuriCentrix makes sure that your environment is always safe.

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